Gurdjieff Brazil
I Am
I am the EnneagramI am a symbol that encloses knowledge and power. I represent the cyclic processes of transformation. I can help you to see yourself from the inside and from the outside. I am MagicI can activate unknown forces that act according to the universal laws of World-creation and World-maintenance. My shape generates spontaneous energy if contemplated, traced, imagined, studied, guessed, represented, or danced. I am the WayI point the way to the harmonious development of Man. I am a ToolI am a universal tool for solving problems of being and
action. I am UnityI represent unity in multiplicity, cyclic and recurrent unity, time, and eternity. I always suggest transformation, either in dynamic processes, such as system or function, or in static data, such as hierarchical classification, or systemic representation. I am TwoI am symmetric in relation to a vertical invisible line that corresponds to the fire of transformation. See me as yourself, not like a mirror image, but as others see you, as you would see your neighbor. My left side - which you see on your right - can represent the intellect, mind, reason, logic, the world of ideas, the past, the already experienced, and introversion. My right side can represent the emotional, the world of actualization, reality, the artistic, the social, love, the future, and extroversion. Thus, I can be seen and interpreted like the two cerebral hemispheres in man, unconscious and conscious, Yin and Yang. I am ThreeMy duality, the bilateral symmetry, is neutralized by the central vertical line, forming a balanced triad, just as the two cerebral hemispheres and the spinal marrow. I represent the essence of the Law of Three. I embrace the activity of the seven Triads, from the perfect one to the triads of creation, evolution, identity, interaction, order, and freedom. I am Three and FourI am composed of three parts (the circle, the triangle and
the hexade) that are four, when we consider the central implicit point, the
Unmanifested. The circle, as the first limitation of the Absolute, stands
for existence and cyclic recurrence. The triangle symbolizes the law of
Creation. The hexade symbolizes the law of the Octave, or functioning. I am MusicMy nine points correspond to the seven notes (Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si) and the two intervals (Mi-Fa and Si-Do) of a musical octave. But I am more than just one octave. I am the melody, the harmony, and the rhythm. I am Complete and EndlessThrough the universal laws of World-creation and
World-maintenance, I am the model of all cyclic processes of transformation,
in all their stages, and with all their details, through my own unsuspected
details. Think about all that exists beneath the depth of my clean
appearance: I have many levels and many dimensions. I am a Spiral and TranscendentalTo every end, there corresponds a new beginning. Three-dimensional in each cycle, I represent the three octaves of Creation and Evolution. The Great Octave begins at the top of the Triangle, and is accomplished in the first turn. The Second and the Third octaves begin at the two other vertices of the Triangle. After that, there begins again a new octave - if everything has proceeded correctly, this time at another level. Never forget that each vertex of the Triangle is a point of contact with the exterior! I am DynamicI am movement itself, and I am more than movement. I follow simultaneously the chronological cycle, eternity, and a timeless inner functioning cycle. At each one of my points, I am already ahead of, and I also evoke previous stages, for feedback, along the arcs of the circle, or along my internal lines. I am never still. I represent existence, therefore, the constant and permanent mutations of all that is manifested and actualized. I am Sacred as LifeThe sacred geometry and the sacred proportions that
constitute me tell those who can hear and show those who can see, objective
realities that influence even those who have not yet been touched by this
understanding. My design contains elements and relations that can only be
completely understood by direct revelation, under high states of
consciousness. I am the Truth"You will know the truth, and the truth will make you
free." I am